When You Visit Trinity Church you will notice that our worship service follows a printed order in a church bulletin. Just as the worship of the Old Testament Temple and Synagogue followed an order, we believe that it is important for worship to be conducted decently and in good order. Our worship service has structure. It begins with an opening prayer or Invocation. We call on God to bless our worship with His presence and with the power of His Spirit.
A cross appears behind the pulpit emphasizing that our worship is offered through Christ and is focused on the Good News of His death and resurrection for sinners. A corporate confession of sin is a part of our worship because we believe that our lives must reflect continual repentance and the forgiveness of our sins. We use psalms and hymns as expressions of praise and devotion focusing on the singing of classic evangelical hymns and the Biblical psalms.
Usually a long portion of Scripture is read in our service. A sermon is preached explaining a portion of the Word of God. Our practice is to preach through books of the Bible. The service is concluded with the Benediction which is a Biblical blessing, assuring God’s people of the Lord’s covenant faithfulness.
Once a month (third Sunday) we celebrate the Lord’s Supper. By partaking of the bread and cup we enjoy fellowship with Christ together as members of His church. Our elders have a responsibility to administer the Lord’s Supper according to Christ’s command. If you are a visitor, we welcome you to the table if:
- You have been baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- You have made a profession of your faith before the elders of a church.
- You desire to live a life pleasing to God but recognize that you sin against Him and repent of those sins.
- You are trusting in Christ alone for forgiveness.
- You regularly attend a Gospel-preaching Church and are not currently under discipline.
1 Corinthians 11:28,29 “Let a person examine himself, then, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment on himself.”
Nursery care is available for children three and under. Families are encouraged to worship together with their children